Pet Sitting, Puppies Mona Bugdal Pet Sitting, Puppies Mona Bugdal

When Should My Puppy Start Obedience Training?

As you embark on this journey, one important question arises: when should your young Padawan begin obedience training? Well, the answer is as simple as giving an Ewok a belly rub. The sooner, the better! May The Force Be With You as you dive into the fascinating world of puppy obedience training and unleash your little one's full potential!

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April, Puppies Mona Bugdal April, Puppies Mona Bugdal

Understanding and Managing Dominant Puppy Behavior: Tips and Strategies

"Bad Baby, No Squeezie! " It's so cute when Grogu misbehaves. But is a naughty puppy that adorable though? Not so much. In this article, we'll delve into raising a puppy, exploring tips and tricks to handle dominant puppy behavior. Before long, your little rascal will be obediently protecting you from Praetorian Guards and defeating the First Order in no time!

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